he clock is ticking down on my summer. How about yours?The first few weeks after school, I mostly tried to regroup and assess the year. I don’t know about you, but I was exhausted. I am never the teacher that counts the days until the end of the year, but this year, that was definitely me. However, I felt too pressed for time to really have an accurate count, except for the last 3 days.
Thereafter, I was in one training after another. Some were official, school mandated/offered, and others were self-inflicted, online. All were of benefit. This week is the AP training. I find it very informative, but somewhat daunting. So much to do, so little time. Tick Tock.
I’ve caught up on the Great British Baking Show. I don’t think it is healthy to watch that many carbs being processed, but I have refrained from indulging. My big indulging has been the yummy cherries. I have not caught up on my crafts or sewing, but have worked on some of each. Tick Tock.
I have allowed myself to sleep late if I wanted to do so. I have read mindless things if I wanted to do so. I ignored my huge “to do” list. Somehow, in this last week before the school year begins, I feel it will all magically get done. Or not. Tick Tock.
I am scurrying about getting all of the last of the doctor’s appointments fulfilled, because, as you may know, it was hard to get in there this summer. And, if I don’t do it now, well, it just won’t happen. Tick Tock.
I spent today in mandatory online meetings (though we don’t go to contract until next week, we had to do it this week because of all of the COVID stuff). I feel like the sweet end of summer was somehow spoiled. Tick Tock.
All of that said, to say this. Time can march on, but I will be in charge of my clock. That’s my biggest goal for the year. I will not let the one last thing on the list dictate my ability to leave school at a decent hour. I will not let the one other copy that needs to be made or the one other email that needs to be sent to dictate the time I spend at work. I plan to be vigilant about my time so I can end the year with a sense that the time did not elude me, and that I actually lived a life that involved the people and the things I love most, rather than squeezing them in. Unrealistic? Perhaps. But worth the effort. So, are you joining me in on this? I want one entirely school free day and two entirely school free nights every week. That’s the goal. Tick Tock.
Before I can blink my eyes, the words Tick Tock will shift to another meaning altogether. Once school convenes and we begin the joy of watching over our kids both in the real and digital world, we will be talking about the app and whatever challenges are in the mix on that day. Tick Tock. Time is marching on. I hope you are ready!
Now, off to the craft room to make something fun!
First published July 28, 2020
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